Monday, October 31, 2011

LONDON markets: Camden Town

Camden Town is misleading. On the very surface it looks like a hipster market for teen boppers (oh how I hate that phrase) and wannabe goths. But weave your way past the disturbing displays of punk/goth inspired paraphernalia, tattoo parlours and shops offering to pierce godknowswhat body part. Once you're past it all, you'll discover a world where the uniquely artsy fartsy and style-driven entrepreneurs thrive. 

Germaine and I spent a good 5 hours rifling through clothes racks and vintage accessories before stopping for a late lunch at an Indian food stall (dal curry!) at Camden Lock market. Amidst all the exploring and shopping we'd forgotten to eat, so by the time we did, we were starving and all thought of food photography flew out the window. Talk about an indulgent day. 
Vintage Clothes: loved the autumny yellow colour scheme of this rack
mummy-esque rings 
I managed to snap this just before the seller waved me away with a huffy "no photos please!"

oh so tempting hot chocolate flavours

"I'm going to take a picture with all the good hearted people I meet." - Germaine 
Remind you of anyone?

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