Tuesday, August 30, 2011

THAILAND: Phuket Part II

Some say photography takes away from the appreciation of the present - you're too busy composing photos to really live in the moment. But who says you can't photograph and relish the moment at the same time? Photography captures an instant with a vivid clarity, drawing from your mind a flourish of specific smells, sounds and tastes, that memory alone would have struggled to retain. 

The holiday high has faded and the memory of Thailand has begun to slip away down the relentless, running streams of time. If not for the photos, the memory of the meals we had would by now have amalgamated into a mass of seafood and glass noodles. 

These photographs are of our last three meals in Phuket. 
seafood thai glass noodles

Fresh, deep-fried calamari 
Steamed red snapper

such gluttons we are.
Seafood dinner by Patong beach:

Home-cooked breakfast on the last morning, with a recipe hastily found on my iphone: 
French toast and sweet thai mango
The view from the back of our tuktuk as we rushed to the airport: 
In the end, we only made it onto the plane in time because the flight was delayed by half an hour. (Thank god for poor quality low-budget flights!)

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