Friday, July 1, 2011

PARIS: Pierre Hermé

The perfect macaroon is crunchy on the surface and lightly chewy on the inside before your teeth sink into the luxuriously thick ganache sandwiched in between. Pierre Hermé's maracoons embody this with such flawless precision that if I lived in Paris, I'd probably have these every day. 

Because I can be very particular about my food (and because I'm usually on a student budget in London), I tell myself never to order anything I can make myself exactly the way I like at home. I've tried making macaroons myself but, lacking the proper piping equipment, I couldn't get my macaroons to form perfect circles. So despite the fact that they tasted pretty good, I ended up with awkwardly shaped blobs within which to slather the ganache. In light of this, I fully appreciate every macaroon I can get my hands on. 

This is what Paris is made of.
Sorbet Celeste - Fruit de la Passion, Rhubarbe & Fraise
pistachio macaroons

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