Sunday, June 5, 2011

LONDON: Tania's of Hampstead

Isn't it strange how you can find delicious coffee in the unlikeliest of places, yet well-known establishments can do the worst coffee? (see previous post) Ever since Carmen arrived, we've been going on regular morning coffee-hunts to fulfill her caffeine addiction. It was by chance that we came across Tania's of Hampstead, a make-shift stall cum van parked at the end of a narrow footpath. 

I'd passed by before but never expected their coffee to actually surpass the quality of those at the myriad of cafes along Hampstead High St. I probably should have realized it earlier though - Jun and I had been walking by Tania's when we heard a teenaged girl shyly tell a young man in wayfarers "I really like your tv show, can I have your autograph please?" 

Somehow, friendly conversation seems to thrive at this sliver of a crevice along Heath Street. The coffee-maker is a friendly lebanese man. On our first visit, he kept greeting us with, "good morning from Singapore!" until we told him Singaporeans speak English. This sparked off amused smiles from two other customers: a portly old man who owns an antique shop nearby and a beautiful, model-esque french lady who told us Singapore was very " 'ot and 'umid". 

Hot chocolate at Tania's is one of the best I've had so far in London and definitely on par with Ginger and White's hot chocolate. The cappuccino is fresh, aromatic and steaming hot. Best of all, it's amazingly affordable - only £1.50 per cup. 

Tania's of Hampstead: 
Hampstead Antique Emporium, 12 Heath Street

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